Living In The Moment

The world we live in is becoming such a distracting place. With the constant pull of our attention in all directions, it is becoming more and more difficult to focus our attention on any task for very long. It is so easy to squander valuable time by letting it slip away through the hustle and bustle of life. Managing our time won’t do much good if we are not able to manage where our mind wanders. Everyone struggle with distractions to some degree.

Life unfolds when we learn to live in the present moment. It is the only moment we have access to. It is all there is. Our decisions are made in the present moment. Our actions and emotions are experienced in the present moment. Life takes place in the present. When you stay present, you notice the movements of your mind. You observe the unfoldment of life both inside as well as outside.


Being mindful of the present is not an attempt to improve yourself or the effort to get you anywhere else. It is simply a matter of noticing where you already are. This is done intentionally and with non-judgment. It is the ability to focus on whatever you are doing so as not to be aware of the passing of time. Time passes by unnoticed, unobserved and unseized as we live our lives worrying about the future and ruminating about time past.

You can become mindful at any moment just by paying attention to your immediate experience. It’s natural to spend some moments of thought ruminating over past events. Identifying impending dangers through associations with things that have happened in the past teach us about self-preservation. They are pathways to information, knowledge and experience that enrich our lives. The mistakes and hurt that we experienced in the past help us become better people. Problems arise when we replay past memories in our heads like we replay an old movie.

There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow. So Today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.

– Dalai Lama


The past only happens in the mind, not in the real world. You cannot experience the past as you do in the present. You can bring up memories, but they are made only of thoughts and feelings.

Pondering about the future can be nothing more than a projection of possibilities. Thinking about future events and consequences is paramount to human survival. We need to anticipate certain events as a means of protection to keep us safe. Many people however, dwell on hypothetical situations and negative events that may never occur. They spend so much time playing out scenarios in their mind, predicting and pre-living future catastrophes.

Life consists of a finite amount of time. It is presented in a bountiful space of vast possibilities and opportunities. The past is gone and the future is not guaranteed. When we dwell in the past or worry about the future, we are missing out on life. We are dictated by thoughts and emotions attached to past events and potential future outcomes. In this state, being neutrally centered and peacefully rooted becomes a challenging task. Tunnel vision limits our perception of possibilities.


Mind-wandering becomes an almost automatic activity. If we are not aware of what we are thinking about, we are allowing our thoughts to overpower and control us rather than being in control. The continuous train of thoughts about past or future prevents us from living peacefully. Our minds are constantly preoccupied with an endless list of things, none of which is occurring right now. We are caught up in the illusion of time, mulling over what has happened or anticipating what is to come. This robs us of our joy by distracting us from those seemingly beautiful things that happen around us daily.

Being mindful is a state where intentional attention is placed on the now. It enables us to find contentment and understanding within ourselves. By placing your awareness on what's happening right now, you propel yourself powerfully into the present moment. We are only truly present when our minds and bodies are connected.

The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment. That's all there ever is.

– Eckhart Tolle

The mind doesn’t like to be still. It likes to be engaged through constant distraction to the surrounding stimuli. It’s easy to slip into the same routine that causes so many of us to live in our head, on autopilot, disregarding the true experience. We get so lost in our thoughts that we aren't aware of our present experience. As a result, life passes by without registering on you.


Everything is changing constantly, even the sensations and feelings we experience along the way. The moment we think we know something, we stop paying attention to it. For instance, the mind's natural tendency towards pain is avoidance. We do all in our power to resist unpleasant thoughts and feelings. In many cases, negative feelings and situations can't be avoided. Or worse, they can’t be changed if it is in the past.

Focusing on the problem hoping that it will evaporate often makes it worse. Let go of the incessant thoughts by embracing the present moment. Learn to be opened to the way things are without trying to manipulate or changing the experience. Avoid judging it, clinging to it, or pushing it away. Accept life’s unfolding events by allowing experiences to move through with unreserved patience.


Acceptance relieves us of needless suffering. When we strive and resist, we place barriers around our happiness. Resistance signifies our opposition to life. It is our resistance to what is that is the source of our suffering, not the pain itself. Accepting that you don't know it all and realizing that things are always in transition will enable us to trust in the unseen forces that conspire to help us along the way.

The moment you are experiencing right now is the only moment you have complete power over. With no expectations of the future or regrets over the past, you won’t be disappointed by anything that happens because you never hold expectations of how life should turn out.

In choosing to actively concentrate on the present, you direct both your subconscious and conscious minds back to reality. You can avoid needless mental anxiety by purely savoring the moment as it is happening. Instead of letting your life go by without living it, take an insightful interest in your surroundings.


How many of us are always waiting for “something better” to come along? It is almost as if we have surrendered to our circumstances, and forget that we can change the direction and course of our lives. The difference is between doing and being. If we stop focusing on doing the many things that are expected of us in the present and trade it with actually being in the present moment, things will suddenly take a shift.

Let us cherish our presence here and trust in our abilities to cope with adversity in the present moment instead of being troubled by future concerns or past’s regrets.

You are exactly who you need to be and where you need to be at this moment. As you allow yourself to embrace the newness of the moment, you are also creating the best possible future for yourself.

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