This post originally appeared here on Medium.
Don't Let Today Be Loaded With Yesterday's Regrets
I had a broken relationship with Yesterday that I was not willing to let go of. Yesterday has a lot of resonance for me. I held on to the flames of my devotion and wished deep in my heart that it would never burn out.
Wounds remind me of the damage life has inflicted, and my survival speaks of accomplishment. They shaped who I am today. There is one minor problem. I continue to relive those moments. No sooner had I started digging into old wounds, I gave them the power to inflict pain upon me, and they began to bleed again.
Freedom belongs to us every moment. But just because we’re free doesn’t mean we claim ownership of that freedom. We intentionally ignore the fact that as long as we’re behind the wheel of this vehicle called Today, we have the freedom to decide where we want to go. Freedom to think differently. Freedom to choose. Freedom to walk in another direction.
Instead, we choose to cling to the fictitious story of yesterday. We lie to ourselves with these narratives.
“I failed, therefore I’ll never dare to try again.”
“They betrayed me, I’ll never learn to trust again.”
“He broke my heart, I’ll never love again.”
Every time we hit a wall, we’d go around in circles trying to find a new strategy to overcome an old pattern or habit. What we need is not a new strategy but the willingness to cut ties with those patterns that no longer serve us.
— Esther George,
Photo by Nathan Salt from Pexels
Every time we hit a wall, we’d go around in circles trying to find a new strategy to overcome an old pattern or habit. What we need is not a new strategy but the willingness to cut ties with those patterns that no longer serve us.
Because of yesterday, I developed areas in my life that were sensitive and easily bruised. I slapped labels, convincing myself that I was a certain way because of my past. When threatened, I became an expert at putting up protective barriers, trying to avoid any pain from recurring.
I don’t believe change is possible, so I continued living behind layers of protection to survive periods of inner turmoil. Over time, those barriers became stronger and my heart became hardened, preventing me from truly living.
How many times have you tried to cover up old fears with new strategies because you can’t see any way around it?
I’ve asked myself some questions.
“How will I express myself if I believe I’ll never have another heartbreak again?”
“What are the things I will attempt if money is not a problem?”
“What kind of content will I produce if I have a readership of over half a million?”
Why let go of yesterday? Because yesterday has already let go of you.
— Steve Maraboli
The possibilities are endless. But the trouble is, I held on to old beliefs. I believed someone may break my heart again. I believed money would always be an issue. I believed I could never have such a large readership.
I was in what feels like a perpetual cycle of low self-esteem with no real motivation to push. That scenario existed in my mind and it became my reality because I’ve already accepted it was so.
I constantly focused on the failures, pains, and fears of yesterday. Sure, I’ve survived multiple wounds. But if I’m not careful, those wounds will remain unhealed and risk bleeding again when I tread the same path and relive that same experience.
For the longest time, I couldn’t open up. I was a private person. Then I met someone who taught me to embrace vulnerability and to accept openness as a strength in myself. It was a life-changing experience until that person broke me and left me shattered.
How do I pick up the pieces? Do I remain in the fortress and lay low from now on? Or do I accept brokenness, adopt a flexible spirit and learn to trust again? Do I want to live the remaining of my life bitter and cautious, or vulnerable and free?
Original Photo by Engin Akyurt: on Pexels