This post originally appeared here on Medium.

Dare To Lose Hope And Set Your Sights On Freedom

I was there. With my feet on the ground, I fixed my eyes on the distant rainbow. I perceived what I yearned for would provide me with a certain sense of fulfillment. I clung to a shred of the glorious future, all in the name of hope. Oh, the sweet pain of anticipation.

I held on, trusting and believing, relentlessly pursuing. I placed my dreams on a pedestal, knowing there was always a chance to rise if I didn’t give up. I’m determined to stay the course even when it is frustrating and exhausting. I held on to the belief that hope does not disappoint.

I kept the flame burning in my soul. I continued holding on to unfulfilled desires, broken dreams, and people who have left. I clung to aspirations that no longer support my growth. I struggled to maintain confidence, yet I couldn’t help feeling amiss. I wonder if all the effort is worth it. How long should I hold to the conviction that a better life exists beyond the horizon? Am I clinging to the dying breath of a fading dream?

What happens when dreams collapse?

We paddle for hope because it appeals to our hearts even when reality gets in the way. It compels us to press on with a sense of purpose and direction. We see hope as a source of encouragement and believe that hope will always triumph. Hope stands at the threshold of time, holding out a light, assuring us it will be okay in the end.

— Esther George,


Photo by Lum3n on Pexels 

We paddle for hope because it appeals to our hearts even when reality gets in the way. It compels us to press on with a sense of purpose and direction. We see hope as a source of encouragement and believe that hope will always triumph. Hope stands at the threshold of time, holding out a light, assuring us it will be okay in the end.

We continue to hope when everything around us crumbles like burned paper. When despair trails closely behind, we still dare to hope. After all, isn’t it better to insist on a promising outcome rather than to give up? If we give up, there is nothing left except a sense of emptiness.

How long till I let go of this obscure yearning for life to turn out a certain way?

Part of growth is learning to recognize when the time comes to let go of that which torments us. We need to release the unrealistic expectation that certain people will return. Some situations will never change.

There are battles we have to quit fighting and closed doors we need to abandon. It requires tremendous courage to admit what we hope for no longer stands. When life calls for a release, it is wise to accept it, even if it hurts. Hope in an unfavorable condition keeps us in disillusionment and defeat.

Yet we are flawed humans living in a flawed world. We chase after certainty, hoping to end all doubts, confusion, and anxiety. We search for answers through misinterpreted perceptions. We pretend not to notice the discord before us. This version of hope takes a toll on our well-being.

— Esther George,


Photo by Lum3n on Pexels 


When we pursue hope to restore what we have lost or make up for our lack, we become victims of our optimism. We persuade ourselves to hold on a little longer because perseverance pays. In the end, it will all work out in our favor without friction.

Yet we are flawed humans living in a flawed world. We chase after certainty, hoping to end all doubts, confusion, and anxiety. We search for answers through misinterpreted perceptions. We pretend not to notice the discord before us. This version of hope takes a toll on our well-being.

We all experience these unsettling fork-in-the-road moments at some point. How often were we told never to give up no matter how rough the journey gets? That giving up is never an option. Is it a wonder that we have allowed our hopes to decline into mere wishful thinking?

Learning to cope with change is a means by which we advance. Those with flexibility and adaptability are the ones who discover happiness and contentment.

Original Photo by Denner Trindade at Pexels

When we accept what is no longer possible, we move on to more productive endeavors. We disengage from the suffering of holding on to false expectations. We apply wisdom by letting go and moving on to new dreams. New doors will open when we accept that defeat is not failing but the rerouting of an ongoing journey.

Whether it’s relationships, work, or personal issues, losing hope can mean freedom. It releases us from the weight of anxiety, worry, and fear. We learn to love ourselves enough to keep moving forward to what we deserve. Hope becomes a mental prison when we insist on fighting battles we can’t win.

We have to stop being the kid who thinks if he acts out and throws tantrums, he will get what he wants. We know that’s not how the story goes. Despite crying hard and loud in desperation, the kid ends up disappointed. He will learn that he doesn’t always get what he wants whenever he wants. We, too, have to find the boldness to quit fighting for what is no longer worth it because it’s draining us of our peace.

Often I know what’s right even when I’m too proud to admit it. No matter how badly I want something, it isn’t healthy if my mental health is at risk. Losing hope is not a sign of weakness. Regardless of what everyone advocates, there is a right time to give up. I have to let go of hopes, dreams, wishes, and imaginations that do not align with where I am going. By disengaging the dam that holds back the pressure, I release the flow that ushers me forward.

Losing hope means I gain the required strength to lift off to freedom. That is without a doubt one of the best feelings in the world. I hope you find your version of freedom.

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