This post originally appeared here on Medium.

Quit Living In Fear And Trust The
Unfolding Journey

Life as I knew it has ended. At least that’s how it felt like for me. I’ve had pockets of moments like this throughout my journey. One moment I’m feeling fantastic, and suddenly, wham, life knocked me out. When I regained consciousness, I noticed I’ve hit a brick wall and can’t move forward. I can’t see what’s ahead of me.

The journey of life sometimes takes us down paths we’re never fully prepared to handle.I remember thinking to myself, “Great, this is it. This moment seems like a pretty good deal and if the momentum continues, I’ll arrive at such-and-such a place.” So, naturally, I started making plans, conjuring up beautiful images in my mind about where it’s going to go from here.

But how often does life turn out exactly the way you planned?

Roadblocks in life are a common phenomenon. Maybe the Universe was trying to prevent me from going over a cliff, or maybe there’s a better path leading me to where I’m supposed to go. Whatever that is, I can’t see it from here. So, I told myself, “Well great, no biggie, just turn around and restart. Go back to the beginning of the road. How hard can it be?”

The thing about roadblocks is, once you’re forced to re-route, life doesn’t just magically return to normal. I have adapted my life to this new environment once I’ve decided between staying and moving on. I burned the bridge and that took away all my chances of ever returning.

Roadblocks are not the journey. They are spots we pass through on our way to the destination. It has nothing to do with where we’re going.

— Esther George,


Photo by PhotoMIX Company from Pexels


There’s emotional adjustment, acceptance, and adaptation. Major changes often take a substantial amount of time and energy to enact. Now that I’ve come up to a stop sign that says I can’t proceed and have to turn around, I can’t just decide to go back. It complicated because too many changes have taken place.

Where does one go from here?

When you look around and it’s obvious that you’re not where you’re supposed to be, what do you do? You’re in the middle of the road where turning back is not an option, and you can’t go forward. As if that’s not bad enough, it does not even appear that I’m on the right track anymore.

The current condition does not reflect the reality I’m heading towards and that creates a sense of panic.

Roadblocks are not the journey. They are spots we pass through on our way to the destination. It has nothing to do with where we’re going. But that does not negate the fact that right now I feel lost and the image before me reflects my reality. I wish my life would go back to the way it was because even though I haven’t arrived, I knew where I was going. I was happy. I belong.

Maybe the reason so many people miss out on opportunities is that all they see are struggles. It’s best to just focus on today and let tomorrow take care of itself.

— Esther George,


Photo by PhotoMIX Company from Pexels

I pause for a moment. It’s so easy to let myself go, especially when I’m wading in deep waters. Suddenly, it dawned on me. Of course, it looks intimidating. Of course, it feels difficult because I’m having my sights set on the wrong things. I’m trying to leap over a mountain when all I can handle right now is climbing over the rock that is before me. I need to quit demanding so much from myself, go easy on the overall big picture, and just focus on what’s taking place at this moment.

I thought about that for a while. What if instead of looking at what I’m missing, I become mindful of how far I’ve come? What if I deliberately recall the little gains I had along the way and the decisions I’ve made that propel me on my journey? What about the open doors that might not have happened, had I not embarked upon this new phase?

What about the countless small wins, the minor achievements that spark momentum? Every small incident and event that took place up to this point, means something. They made me who I am. In an attempt to cope with panic and fear, I lose sight of all that’s meaningful and important. No wonder I feel lost in the middle of it all.

Original Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on Pexels 

That realization reminded me to never stop doing, or stop taking big leaps forward. There’s always more to build, more to learn, more obstacles to overcome, regardless of how far along I am and how far I have to go. I need to stop fixating on the occasional rocky path.

I’m redefining my journey to look at life as a series of experiences rather than some dreadful tests. Maybe the reason so many people miss out on opportunities is that all they see are struggles. I guess for me, it’s best to just focus on today and let tomorrow take care of itself.

I’m not sure if your journey is as perplexing as mine, but what I’m certain is there will be times you’ll experience some hurdles and bumpy roads. Every hurdle you overcome will strengthen and prepare you to handle the next, so take heart. You’re exactly where you need to be.

You are on your way to creating a life you never had before. Keep your eyes on the trophy. Be mindful of how far you’ve come. Never forget although the road is bumpy, the view is still beautiful.

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