This post originally appeared here on Medium.

Notice The Simple Things That Give You Joy

I put my phone away and looked up. Shafts of sunlight pierce through the swaying branches, carrying blissful scents across my face. Overhead, I could see a blue sky between the treetops. Nature is in its prettiest self, budding and blooming in exuberance. Spring is always a dearest friend.

Sitting on the park bench, I observe the beauty around me and ponder upon the seemingly insignificant. The fullness of life is evident in its simplicity. Yet I’m often distracted by so many encumbrances, so much vanity.

While I wallowed in the worldly mire, simple pleasures continued to pass me by. I straggled through life, dragging the baggage that contained all the must-haves and should-haves, many of which I no longer own.

I forgot about what it means to enjoy the simplicity of life — enjoying things that don’t cost so much time, money, effort, or require so much sacrifice to obtain because they are pure, authentic, and genuine.

I see negative thoughts as puffy white clouds floating in the sky, requiring no judgment or agreement. They are passers-by that quietly come and drift away to nowhere.



Photo by Simon Berger from Pexels


In pursuit of some phantom, I exchanged my worth for momentary satisfaction that went from treasure to trash in a heartbeat. I paid the hefty price of getting lost in the deep end.

I have insisted on my version of the truth, defending it deliberately with faulty arguments, failing to realize that it’s okay for different versions to coexist. I don’t need to dictate what others should perceive because each mind comprehends a different reality. When I understood that, I stopped struggling.

Life is full of simple yet magical moments, but they are not always the easiest to grasp. Without altering my perspective, I miss seeing them altogether.

Simplicity requires that I slow down to witness a million scarlet blooms ignited upon the horizon of the evening sky. Simplicity invites me to take notice of the little joys because sometimes a bouquet on my table is more meaningful than banquets around the world. Simplicity reminds me to dance to the music of the ocean breeze as salty waves engulf my bare feet.

I learn to feel deeply and express myself fully. I allow emotions to move through me like a flowing river instead of resisting and pushing them into the layers of my soul.

People may have many claims on what contributes to happiness, but only I know what comes easy for me. Enjoying life my way and appreciating the ordinary everyday moments means living a meaningful life on my terms.



Photo by Simon Berger from Pexels


I see negative thoughts as puffy white clouds floating in the sky, requiring no judgment or agreement. They are passers-by that quietly come and drift away to nowhere.

Simplicity is not a call for sacrifice but a way to discover what is most important. How will I find out what’s important if I don’t get rid of everything that isn’t? Recognizing what is meaningful reconnects me to myself.

Of course, hard work is essential, self-improvement is important, and having goals gives me a sense of direction. Yet simple, effortless activities encourage mindfulness and lighten my mental load. Without taking time to recharge and replenish, I pour from an empty cup.

Simplicity sounds easy breezy, but it requires focus. I have to choose where I put my attention. I don’t always know how to enjoy simple pleasures. For the longest time, I believed that bigger is better and more is desirable, which induced problems in areas where it didn’t exist.

Original Photo by Diana Jefimova from Pexels

With work, relationships, and responsibilities constantly evoking a whirlpool of emotions, it is easy to forget that life is simply beautiful. When I take time to find joy in the little things, it’s hard to get sucked into a bad mood.

Simple things are those that come easy for me. People may have many claims on what contributes to happiness, but only I know what comes easy for me. Enjoying life my way and appreciating the ordinary everyday moments means living a meaningful life on my terms.

As days, weeks, months, and years slip past, I discover what used to bring me joy no longer carries the same level of excitement. Simply because my life has taken on a new track, and hitting the reset button redirects me on a different path every time. I learn to cherish what I have, knowing I only have right now to live this moment.

As I sit here watching the leaves whirl and swing on the trees, I see miles and miles of the present moment stretched out before my eyes. My heart feels the sparks of life and warmly embraces them.

I capture each moment and every connection on yet another page in the chapters of my journey. I am happy that life has led me to this place to witness its unfolding before this moment, too, evaporates in the flames of time.

Happiness is not an object to pursue but one we create with every passing moment. More and more, I am discovering beauty in the places I did not search. I am grateful for the many joyous moments found amidst life’s simple pleasures.

Do you notice them?

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