This post originally appeared here on The Masterpiece.
Giving Others The Freedom To Change
You’ve changed. You’re not the same person I knew.
People throw words around without thinking. I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or otherwise.
Change is inevitable in all spheres of life. Don’t we already know that? We’re experiencing change at rates never seen before. Yet we often underestimate the power of resilience and adaptability.
It’s up to us to take ownership of our growth and ensure we adopt the right mindset that will allow us to shift. That’s the only option.
Acceptance is hard when we hold on too tightly to what was. They say everything happens for a reason. That broken heart, the scar you have to bear, the tears you cried when no one was watching. But what might be the reason? Growth.
Everything happens for a reason
While I can accept that everything in life is moving forward, it baffles me that many people still prefer to hold on to what’s familiar and what they feel comfortable with.
Why do we demand and expect others to remain the same?
Why won’t we allow others the freedom to change?
I wasn’t sure how I should respond. There might have been an uncomfortable realization that some aspects of me are no longer the same. But isn’t this the life we’ve agreed to sign up for before we come?
We’re all here to learn, to change, and to evolve.
I realize they’re a lot of things the old me used to enjoy that I would no longer find interesting or deem acceptable. I’m not hysterical about holding on to the promises I made years ago, being young, naïve, and stupid. Time gets the better of me. Just because someone thought that promises should last forever doesn’t mean I’ll join the choir and sing the same song.
Acceptance is hard when we hold on too tightly to what was. They say everything happens for a reason. That broken heart, the scar you have to bear, the tears you cried when no one was watching. But what might be the reason? Growth.
It certainly has been for me. Perhaps fate controls my life, might it even be some mysterious predetermined destiny or even the consequences of a few dirty martini shots with blue cheese-stuffed olives.
Anything can happen when you down these babies by the coupe-full. One thing is for sure, there are no accidents even when it appeared so. The outcome is more of an unexpected gift.
Refusing to allow society to dictate what is acceptable for me means I’ll never have to compromise my self-worth and quality of life.