Imagine if you will, a world in which we accept that the date of death, but not the how, is determined before you were born. How would that “truth” affect you, your thinking and actions?

The above quote was from the Weekly Prompt bonus topic, published in 𝘋𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘢 𝘊.’s -- *Know Thyself Heal Thyself, a Medium publication, from Marcus for 29 March — 2 April 2021.


* Know Thyself Heal Thyself


Photo by Stijn Dijkstra from Pexels


Evolve Yourself

This post originally appeared here on ChannSpirations and Coincidences, a Medium publication.

The Incidental Glimpses Of Life


This experience, this transition, this moving away, it’s nothing at all. I’m away only for a moment, but I’m really near. It’s almost like I’m taking a walk in the park, not too far, just around the corner, to bask in the glory of serenity while my dreams of each cycle fly across like birds over the treetops in the evening.

I’ll stay here awhile to absorb the beauty, aware of the shifting seasons that is rotating like a clock without a needle. This transition moves across Heaven-time outside of Earth-time, always present, always now. It never falters because in this realm, the past does not exist and the future is ever here.

Each season dances, twirling around like a group of merry children in the park, bearing memories and parading promises in another dimension.

Right here, I’ll be waiting for you on this bench under the vast canvas of the boldest blaze. I will wait eternity for you, because forever is all I have and nothing has change. In the briefest of moment, you will understand, so mourn not of the passing and fear not of the end, for death is not the greatest of evil nor life the greatest of blessings.

Remember the countless times we laughed together. Continue to think of me the same and whisper my name on your lips. Know that nothing has changed and everything is as it ever was. The fading of life is like the turning of a wheel for death is only the end of a chapter in one realm and coming home to the Whole in another.

When the body returns to the soil, we are truly as alive as ever. Though sadness may come like a ghost in the night, remember I will forever live in your heart. Out of sight does not indicate you’re out of my mind, for my songs to you will echo as ripples of vibration throughout eternity, reaching forth, finding its way to where you are.

In one brief moment, you’ll be sitting here by my side, and oh how silly it will all appear to ever have to think about the fear of dying. You will remain with me for eternity long until you decide to venture on a new mission, one that you’re free to choose. This is how we agree to set out and do it all again till our paths meet in another cycle of life.

Consider this:

Imagine if you will, a world in which we accept that the date of death, but not the how, is determined before you were born. How would that “truth” affect you, your thinking and actions?